Thursday, January 17, 2008

la maison des dee de dee de Madame de la hanche et des cheveux éclectiques

well last night we were invited to our most delightful neighbors for a midweek evening respit from the environs of work and wonderful soup we had and wine we was played...
and yarn was addition hair was shorn...straight from the
madam dee dee's house of hip and eclectic

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would this be my almost skinhead beloved son? You didn't get any hateful tattoos while you were swillin that wine did you? Did you save your old Mom any of those beautiful wavy locks?

Come to think of it; it probably wasn't the wine, it was something in the air because I went in to get a haircut yesterday and came out with a do that makes me look like Prince Valiant! If I had been free to do so I would have swilled a bit a wine after that!! Oh well. It will grow back......maybe.....I hope.....and to think it was my own idea!!