Monday, May 7, 2007


Originally uploaded by schmarkolus.
well i've officially been on every over the counter medication for,
flu, cold, allergy, snotty nose, sore throat, watery eye's remedy
available from every CVS on every corner know that
my blood pressure is good and high....lets go jump the fence..and
chase o first no signs of life....and around the corner and in the middle of mud a puddle....three lil piggies were a wollerin away...

oh to be a pig wollerin in the mud looked kind of fun....although i will say the hole they were makin swine time in smelled the high heavens....

speakin of pigs...had a mighty fine lunch courtesy of their cousin's baby back jalepeno ribs....with tatertot casserole..after the morning lap at Muleshoe....
Riding Muleshoe was pleasant change of to ride with ole friends recently relocated back to the 'A' town.
God they have to be sufferin mightly with the humidity that has beset us here of recent...but it's here and Summer is on the near horizon.....time to reaclimate to heat, humidity, dawn patrols, late night rides....swimming holes......back yard parties...bbq's on the
porch....movies with the kids....days in the park....walks with the dog...
walks with the wife....swings on the ride beers with my friends o many....i'm looking forward to a wonderful summer....