Monday, September 21, 2009

the still bottoms

the still bottoms
Originally uploaded by schmarkolus
well I’m currently trying to reacclimatize to the environs of my home, and my family.....granted I love my wife, children, family ....but life on the road regardless of amount of time away leaves me feeling saddened...the spirit that was liberated with total freedom for 6 days
has to be captured and retrained to the confines of the real world....I’m thinking not much different than a pet needing to be trained.....

it can be a really dark and painful time to reacclimatize myself.

yet when I look back at the time ... reminds me that all mountain top experiences require the daily travels through the valleys of the mundane....

.the saving grace to all of this is I have my family of whom I love and

In a nut shell....3 years off the road....has left me out of shape traveling,

out shape in chronicling what’s inside my head....I need to
Poke it and let it needs to be subject to regimented hard training lest it becomes all noodilly.....

So with much ado...not that I’m a goal oriented/motivated type....I need to push my inner being. A little harder...a little further....

Push the envelope. And live life to the utmost....regardless of how far or close to home I may be

So thanks to my family, and my good friends here and abroad for sharing there individual pieces of themselves......

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